Happy Saturday! And welcome to my version of the 12 Days of Christmas. I hope you have been following the incredible bloggers and THEIR ideas for the 12 days of Christmas.
I am constantly blown away by their talent and ideas.
Today I am going out on a limb and giving you MY interpretation. What’s that, you say? It’s NOT anything to do with 12 drummers drumming?
You see, I don’t have drum sticks around my home. I don’t own a silhouette cameo, to cut out a drummer boy. BUT, when you have a skewer or chopstick in your hands, don’t you tap them on your table (kind of like you would a drumstick)?
I KNOW, I do!
So this is what I came up with for 12 Drummers Drumming…
To make your own Christmas Tree Door Hanger you will need:
bamboo skewers
fabric covered cardstock
sharp scissors
popsicle stick
1 crystal
hot glue
rick rack or jute for hanging
I started out with a few skewers, and a piece of fabric covered chipboard .
(I had it left over from this project)
With sharp scissors I cut the skewers into graduating larger sizes.
Using hot glue I attached my “drum” sticks to create a tree.
I cut a small piece of popsicle stick to make a trunk.
With the hot glue I adhered the “trunk” and crystal.
No, I didn’t use 12 Drummers Drumming. But I DID use sticks and that counts, right???
I am excited to make more of my Christmas Tree Door Hangers as small gifts for friends.
Don’t you think they would look cute on a present, too??
I have more of my Christmas ideas here, here, and here.
Don’t forget to see ALL 12 days of Christmas and ALL of the unique, creative and Christmas ideas.
MONDAY December 1st
{Partridge in a Pear Tree}
Simply Fresh Vintage Petticoat Junktion Snazzy Little Things
{Two Turtle Doves}
Confessions of a Serial Do-it-Yourselfer Fresh Idea Studio
TUESDAY December 2nd
Country Design Style DIO Home Improvements mommy is coocoo
{Four Calling Birds}
Artsy Chicks Rule Virginia Sweet Pea
{Five Golden Rings}
House on the Way DIY 180 Restoration Redoux
{Six Geese-a-Laying}
Postcards from the Ridge Farm Fresh Vintage Finds
THURSDAY December 4th
{Seven Swans a Swimming}
Curb Alert! Cupcakes and Crinoline
{Eight Maids a Milking}
FRIDAY December 5th
{Nine Ladies Dancing}
Better After Rhapsody in Rooms
{Ten Lords a Leaping}
SATURDAY December 6th
{Eleven Pipers Piping}
Refresh Restyle Lilacs and Longhorns Imparting Grace
{Twelve Drummers Drumming}
What Meegan Makes Mrs. Hines Class
Thanks for stopping by today. I am grateful to have you here.
Make it a wonderful weekend with those you love.
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A drummer drums with sticks so I think your project does count! This is a cute door hanger for Christmas.
Meegan that is so pretty I love how it can be used as an ornament or an accent piece! Love your interpretation too :)
That’s adorable Meegan!!! and such a cute interpretation of 12 drummers!! :)
That’s darling! What a creative way to incorporate “drumsticks” into your decor. You did a better job than I did of sticking to the theme–11 pipers piping stumped me, so I just went for a general 12-days-of-Christmas theme. :)
It’s been fun to see how everyone has interpreted their themes and yours turned out great, Meegan!
Meegan, I love your interpretation! Using skewers is such a clever idea. And I love all of the other Christmas decor I see in the background. It’s all so beautiful.
Yes sticks count!! And when you get so creative with sticks, they get pinned! Meegan, I always love your projects! Jeanette
Meegan you cracked me up with these chopstick drumsticks. Love the little tree that you created. Very cute.
Soo cute! I am loving seeing everyone’s interpretation. I think this is perfect!
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Love it Meegan! Too cute!
Have a great week,
Leslie @ House on the Way