It’s Friday! Time for My Friday Fave Pins for Easter. These are perfect for any style or home. Have fun and let’s get’s this show on the road!!
Meredith has a great tutorial on how to make “Stamped” Eggs”. Love this idea!!
Wait Till Your Father Gets Home
And who wouldn’t love a peep Smore?? These are so cute and Yummy!!
Using a white pen, changes a simple brown egg into something elegant.
Which came first?? The peep or the egg? Hop over for a step by step tutorial to make these cuties.
Julie made this adorable Easter Basket from an orange crate!! She shares her instructions. Pay her a visit soon.
Karen has an incredible recipe for Roasted Cumin Lime Carrots. Umm, I say yes!! Even the sound of them makes my mouth water!!
Amazing talent, amazing women, amazing pins!! That’s why they are my Friday Fave Pins!!
For over 100 Easter Ideas, visit here!!!
I might be missing for the next few days. Hubby will be home and it’s his birthday. Family is arriving any minute to surprise him for his birthday weekend!! So Fun!! I hope you all enjoy your weekend and try some of these fabulous pins I have posted.
Make it a fabulous Friday!!
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Thank you so much for the feature! Love the collection!
Absolutely!! It was my pleasure!!
Thanks for featuring my Stamped Eggs! Happy Friday, friend!!
Meredith-Seriously love these eggs!! You are very welcome!!