Happy Tuesday everyone! I am in Washington D.C. I have been here for several days now. I have seen the Washington Monument, The Lincoln Memorial, Capital Hill, The Smithsonian Institute, the L.D.S. Temple, and much more. PLUS spending time with some of the cutest grandkiddos around.I will be sharing pictures here on my blog soon. If you want to see pictures sooner follow me on Instagram and the hashtag: #travelingwithmeegan You will see places I have been and the latest updates from me this week.
NOW, Are you ready for another great Rock Your Knockoff Tour??? We had so much fun last time, we thought you would enjoy it again. There are more than 10 bloggers sharing their best DIY Decor Inspired Knockoffs THIS WEEK.
It started yesterday and will be all week long. I can hardly wait for you to see the talent and creativity in this amazing group of bloggers. I will be posting mine on Thursday, but until then enjoy the link ups below.
Make it an amazing Tuesday!
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