Are you ready for Halloween?? I Am Ready For Halloween!! Yay!! I am always trying to find ways to be a “fun” grandma. Sometimes I am successful, other times, I am not. I keep trying anyway, though.
I think this year is going to be a BIG hit. All because I found this free printable a few days ago and I can not resist making these cute gifts for the grand babies!!
I got out my ribbon, scissors, gift bags, and my spiders. Oooh! I love having fun with these free printables, especially for the grand babies!
I filled each bag with kisses and a few spiders. I have a feeling the boys are going to LOVE this!! I am loving how the spiders kind of “peek” through the kisses!
Cute, cute, cute!!
Here they are!! ALL 18 of them. We will see the grand babies next week Yay!!
Did I eat kisses while I made these cute goodie bags?? Why, yes I did! And I must say it was totally worth it!!
What do you like to handout for Halloween?? One year I gave SO much candy to the grand kids, that they were RUNNING around like crazy. I kinda got in trouble from my kids. Not REAL trouble-but the kids were SO crazy on a sugar high, it was’t real fun. Oops! Needless to say, I have changed my ways, well-sometimes anyway. (hehehe)
I Am Ready For Halloween. Yay!!
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Make it a wonderful Wednesday.
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Those are SO cute! We are usually trick-or-treating instead of handing out, but we will have so much candy at our party! I may have to rethink that. LOL
You are the best g-ma ever! I love that printable! The treat bags turned out spooky but oh so cute!
You are way too kind!! I think it is going to be so fun to see their cute little faces!!
Meegan, these are the CUTEST! I think I’ll make them for my office peeps!
What a great idea Bonnie!! I would love to see some pictures :)
Have a great day!
I want some bugs and kisses!!!! So cute!
Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality!
How cute, I love it! Thanks for sharing at The Fun In Functional!
Very cute! I try to hand out non-chocolate candy so that I don’t end up eating it all before the trick or treaters get here (that happens regularly). But one of my favorite little munchkins across the street told me her favorite candy is kit kats, so I had to buy some for her. Hopefully there will be some left by Halloween! … Riding out Sandy – kind of scary! But at least we still have power!
I know what you mean about eating the candy! I hope you are safe Sharon! My prayers are with all of you on the East Coast.’Loves!!