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Google+ has become one of my most favorite social networks. You can see what everyone is posting in your circles, and truly interact with them. One on one or in a circle (group). I know each one of you will like it as much as I do.
So, be sure to join Google+, then add of these fun and talented bloggers to be in your circles! You will LOVE looking at their blog highlights and you won’t miss a thing like other social medias. How fun does that sound??
Now on to the party!!
Are you looking to grow your circles on Google+? Do you want better SEO and increased website exposure? Then this is the place to be!
Add new friends to your circles.
Throughout the day +1 posts with the hashtag #mommyiscoocoo on Google+
Make it a terrific Google+ Day!!Sign up to receive my posts by email. I don’t want you to miss out on anything!
Looks great! Yay!
Amanda!! How fun was this???? Thanks for hosting-it’s a blast!!
Thanks for the party, Meegan! :)
So happy to have you join us, Laura!!
Very excited about this new link party! Followed everyone before me so far, and will circle back (pun intended) to follow more links later! :) Thanks ladies for hosting!
Isn’t it fun Laura!! So happy to have you join us!! xoxo
PS-Love your pun!!
This looks like a lot of fun Meegan. I’m still figuring out so much about social networking, as you could probably guess by my Google+ picture. Yes, I’m one the older ones linking up to this party. Thanks for sharing.
I am excited to have you join the fun Patricia!!
PS-I am old, too :)