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Fall has finally started sharing it’s colors and temperature in our area. The wind is blowing, the kids are playing football and the air is cooler. I thought it was time to create a Free Fall Blessing Printable, both for YOU and me.
It is always fun to make a printable to share with you. Not only for your own home, but making as a gift, too.
My Free Fall Blessing Printable was inspired by my chalkboard last year.
We don’t have a very large front porch. As a matter of fact, it is tiny. But with a little creativity and imagination I was able to bring Fall to our home.
In thinking about our Fall blessings, I am reminded about my TRUE blessings. Whether it is where I live, my family’s health, our jobs, protection or faith. Yes, I have more blessings than I can count.
If you have read my blog for any length of time, you know that I have a seizure disorder and/or Epilepsy. I have been feeling pretty good for a few years. But Fall last year, it took over my life. I wasn’t able to drive, work, function or exercise. The seizures were coming several times a week. The specialist helped me a lot. What a blessing.
But on July 5th, I had one of the worst seizures I have ever had. Needless to say, we went back to square one. I am still hopeful and still put my faith in God. We don’t know what the answer is. But I do know through this experience I am blessed.
That is why I thought is was an ideal time to create a Free Fall Blessing Printable. One for me. And one for you and a friend or two. Wouldn’t this look wonderful in a beautiful fame? Or as part of your Fall decor? Maybe even as a gift for a friend?
All you have to do, is right click on the picture. Click on print, then click on color. Your Free Fall Blessing Printable will look perfect all Fall long.
Thanks for letting me share my story with you. Along with a Fall Blessing Printable. I hope you enjoy it. All I ask is that you don’t use it for commercial profit or gain.
Thanks for the printable it is super cute! It would look great in a frame, and sitting on the mantle!
I’m so sorry to hear about your health problems, I hope that you get better soon, and can get your seizures under control. Sending prayers your way!