Happy Monday!! I’ve got the Monday Blues for my Mid-Winter Shelves today. I always love the blues. My kitchen shelves are one area that I like to change for every season in our home. Plus, if you know me at all, you KNOW I always enjoy sharing my blues. I am excited to share the Monday Blues today.
I also shared my Mid-Winter shelves on From My Front Porch To Yours yesterday. Pamela asked me to share “how I found my style”. It was a REAL honor to be a part of her blog. Please Pamela a visit and give her some blogging love. She would be so happy I sent you. Besides that-she has a fabulous blog!!
I am still out of town with lots of packing behind us. Whew! We are almost ready to make our trek across the country. I hope you are following me on Instagram and my FB Page. I am posting pictures and places of interest all along my trip. The hashtag is: travelingwithmeegan. It’s a lot of fun traveling with my daughter and her 4 children all the way to Georgia from Utah. We actually hit the road early Tuesday morning. Follow along as we see this gorgeous country!!
Now onto the Monday Blues Mid-Winter Shelves.
My Mid-Winter Shelves are filled with some of my favorite jars. Most of them are vintage and original Ball Jars. I also have 3 vintage milk bottles that help balance the shelves.
Hubby is the one that likes to collect milk bottles. The milk bottle with orange printing is from a local dairy where we grew up in Southern California, Foothill Dairy. So that is personal and nostalgic for us. The ball jar with twine wrapped around the top is a thrift find that I found for $1. Awesome sauce-right?
The scale on top is from my Grandma’s kitchen. Yes, she actually used it. I am happy to own it and have it in my own kitchen now. I made my own Farmer’s Market sign. My mom was so sweet to give me the 3 hook-lid Ball jars. (She knows me well.)
The jar on the far right was given to me by Hubby about 30 years ago. I didn’t even realize how much I liked vintage jars or bottles then. But have kept it in our home ever since. He knows me well, too (insert smile).
One last look at my Mid-Winter Shelves for today. Pretty soon it will be time to set them up for Spring. Time to get my creative juices going again, right?
Thanks for joining me today for the Monday Blues-Mid-Winter Shelves. Do you have Mid-Winter decor in your home, too? I hope you have been inspired, and enjoyed today’s post.
I am happy to be here every Monday for:
Come back again tomorrow for a Guest Post from Amanda with Mommy is Coocoo.
Make it a blue Monday!
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I will be sharing this post at some of my fave blogs here.
Enjoy your trip!! Love your grandma’s scale. What a precious memory and treasure.
Hi Meegan! I love your shelves and absolutely adore all of your jars! I found a few antique blue Mason jars on vacation over the summer and was so excited! :) I don’t have any mid-winter decorating (I’m still trying to wrangle holidays decorations down, but tell anyone! ;) Thanks so much for sharing – have safe, fun and happy trip! xo
What a lovely collection and they look beautiful on your shelves!