Today, I am going to reach out by telling you a few personal things about me. Yes, you get to read More What Makes Meegan.
Something about me that you may not know:
We have 7 children. I am blessed to have seven happy, healthy and responsible children. I try to remember how blessed I am every day. I thank God everyday for my wonderful family. They are a joy and a blessing to me and Hubby. Did we chose to have seven children? Yes, we did. Was it crazy loud sometimes? Oh, you bet! Did it take 98% of my time to raise them and care for them? Absolutely! The other 2% was MY time. Would I do it all again? Of course! Without a doubt! Another thing that you may not know about me: I had 5 of the 7 births at home with a midwife. That might make some of you uncomfortable. BUT, it a was a great decision for us. AND, a wonderful experience every time. You notice I didn’t say easy??? I liked having my children at home so much, that I became an assistant to the midwives. Not a doula, but an assistant or intern. I TRULY wanted to become a midwife. But, when I began to have seizures, I knew that dream had to die. I attended over 35 births with the midwives. They were intelligent, articulate, and very careful. I learned so much about them and their profession. I saw many miracles as I attended births and watched them in action.
There are 2 stories I would like to share with you…
One... My friend was having her fourth baby, but her first home birth. She was laboring just fine, when the baby went into distress. Baby’s heart rate was dropping as he was lowering into the birth canal. The midwife made the decision to rush her to the hospital. We loaded her in a van, getting her as comfortable as she could be. We were driving so fast the speedometer broke! The Highway Patrol pulled us over, for speeding and ended up escorting us on our way to the hospital. Almost to the hospital, mom was ready to push. We pulled over in the middle of a golf course. There was actually a game being played right where we parked. Baby’s heart rate was good. Mom began to push, as the Highway Patrolman looked on. Her baby boy was born without any complications or after effects. The golfers cheered, we cheered and the Highway Patrolman stood in amazement.
Two… My maid of honor was my next door neighbor. She was having her eighth baby any day. We had the same midwife, and I was planning on helping with the delivery. I received a call from my friend at 3 a.m. She had gone into labor for the last 3 nights, but no baby yet. The midwife had been called all three times, and she didn’t want to have to touble her once again. My friend wanted me to just come visit with her while she labored. I arrived in her home 3 minutes later. She was sitting on the toilet, as her water had just broken! The midwife had been called, but would not make it in time. The Hubby gathered necessities to make his wife comfortable as possible. Oh, did I mention she did NOT want to leave the bathroom??? I KNOW! I tried to get her to move, but she was too uncomfortable. We made a made shift bed on the floor. It was time for her to push. I was going to have to deliver this baby on my own. Her Hubby was there for support. As the head came out, I watched my hands, and it was as though there it was someone else’s hands. I felt calm, relaxed and at peace that everything would be alright. Three pushes and the baby was born! I delivered a baby! Yep, I delivered a baby! Whew! Was that ever a high that I had never experienced before. The midwife arrived 20 minutes later. I had done everything absolutely perfect. I still tear up, even though it was over 19 years ago. I witnessed a miracle. Every birth is a miracle. Every birth is special and known to God. I KNOW this with all my heart. There you have it. More What Makes Meegan.
Thanks for joining me today!
Very very cool! You’re amazing Meegan! I love hearing about your witness to so many miracles. Have a wonderful weekend my friend.
I always enjoy learning more about the bloggers that I follow and I never would have guessed that you have seven children! How exciting! I have five (all grown up now). And I never would have guessed that you had delivered a baby all by yourself! Amazing!
I was in the delivery room for 3 of my 4 grandsons, looking over the doctor’s shoulder as each baby was born. I was in the labor room with number 4 but they eventually had to deliver him by c-section.
Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your life! Have a blessed weekend!
What great stories. Such sweet memories of a miracle.