Good Morning! If you are new here-WELCOME! If you are a long time follower, thanks for stopping by once again. I always appreciate it. I am happy to show you my living room makeover ideas today.
I realize my style isn’t for everyone. But, for me it feels homey and comfortable.
This is a portion of our living room this past Spring. You can see I have a drop cloth over our sofa. Not the prettiest thing…
BUT, Living Room Makeover Ideas can be inexpensive and creative. Using what you have and creating a conversation space couldn’t be easier.
Since then, we have gotten a new sofa. But the whole premise of this post is to give YOU Living Room Makeover Ideas.
You MAY not have a new sofa. But there are things you can do to update and refresh the look in your living room. AND they don’t have to cost a lot of money.
Moving the sofa away from the wall is one way I changed our living room for the better. I simply added my two chairs and night stand in place of the sofa.
The rattan chair was found at Salvation Army for $25. And the night stand, now end table was a Goodwill find at $7.50. (Can you say score???)
My abstract chair was a furniture store purchase last year. I really helped me define my style and what I envisioned for these Living Room Makeover Ideas.
Once the chairs were in place, it was time to create a gallery wall as one of my Living Room Makeover Ideas. I like the individual textures and shapes. It lends eye appeal and movement.
Additional accessories can make a huge impact in a room makeover. Just “play” around and see what YOU like. You will see in various photos here, that I have moved pillows, changed throws and added shells or plants several times. You change it as often as you like. depending on your mood or the feel you want in your home on any particular day.
Where did I place the sofa? Smack dab in the middle of the living room. I wanted to create a conversation area. This way people aren’t straining their necks or having to “yell” across the room.
In our condo layout, the living room and dining area are all one large room. So by placing the sofa in the middle I made a natural “divider” between the two spaces.
I have always wanted a sofa table. And after rearranging the living room. There really wasn’t room for the wood chest that my grandpa made over 50 years ago. BUT, it does work nicely as the sofa table as a part of the Living Room Makeover Ideas.
The dining area is the next makeover. Hopefully done VERY soon. I will be sure to post about that, as well.
It has been fun having you here. I hope you have gotten some Living Room Makeover Ideas for your own home.
Don’t forget Living Room Makeover Ideas can be inexpensive and creative. Using what you have and creating a conversation space couldn’t be easier.
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such sweet comments. I am blessed.
Make it a terrific day.
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Everything is so beautiful! Makes me want to leave work and go home to start rearranging and decorating!
You are so nice! Let me know if you end up rearranging your home. I would love to see pictures :)
Love your living room makeover Meegan!! Love the sofa table and your new couch arrangement!!
Thanks so much Barbara. I take that as a very high compliment. xoxo
Girl you know I love it and I am dying over your rattan chair!!!
Your makeover is so pretty. Great thrift finds. They really make the room!