I’ve been trying to eat more health conscience. More veggies, less fat, less sweets. That last one is a REAL struggle for me. I have been working on creating meals that fill me up, and keep me full. Part of that menu includes my version of a Poached Eggs And Veggies Recipe.
Within 15 minutes, this Poached Eggs And Veggies Recipe is ready to serve and fill me up for hours.
I like the fact that I am getting protein and a couple of servings of fresh veggies in one meal.
Calories? I’m not sure. BUT, I know for sure it’s a lot more healthy that the chocolate cake I have been craving for breakfast (hehehe)
Let me show you how easy this is to make.
Poached Eggs And Veggies Recipe with ingredients and directions…
Your choice of fresh vegetables, washed, cut and sliced. About 1/3 to 1/2 cup of each selection of vegetable.
I like to use asparagus, crook neck squash, zucchini, diced tomatoes, diced onions, spinach or whatever I have fresh in my fridge.
I sautee’ all the veggies in 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large skillet. Season with salt and pepper. I sometimes add minced garlic, as well.
Cooking the veggies on medium heat, until translucent and tender is how I like them. You might like the texture more “crunchy” than me. So, cook them to your own desired texture.
Once the vegetables are cooked to my liking, I add two organic, cage free eggs into the middle of the pan. Cover the skillet with a tight lid and let the eggs poach. I like my eggs cooked through. And yet, with a runny yolk. (For dipping toast in, of course. SO good!)
Once the eggs are poached to your choosing, carefully slide everything onto your serving plate.
Top with grated or shaved Parmesan cheese. Then drizzle with green jalapeno sauce. I purchase my jalapeno sauce at Trader Joe’s but I am sure it is available at your local Mexican food market, too.
This is plenty for two servings. Or if you are really hungry, eat it all up, yourself (like me).
Making my Poached Eggs And Veggies Recipe has become a “go to” meal, because I can eat it any time of day for breakfast, lunch, dinner or anytime in-between.
Some may argue that it isn’t the healthiest of meals, IE; cholesterol in the eggs, olive oil rather than coconut oil, too much fat, veggies have natural sugar too, etc… BUT, for me, it is keeping my sugar intake down and my vegetable intake higher and that’s what I am in search of. PLUS, I love it.
This recipe has become my most recent comfort food. I hope it becomes one of yours, too!

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