Okay! So do you have those thrifting days where everything seems to go your way? I LOVE those days, don’t you? This happened to be one of those days. I found a Thrifted $30 Stereo! I KNOW! Can you believe that?
I just love me a great thrift store find.
Visiting thrift stores can be addicting, fun, disappointing, and exciting. It has been a fun hobby for me since we moved into our small condo. We had to get rid of LOTS of furniture when we moved in here. We mostly got rid of or donated larger pieces to local charities. I had to get creative.
So began my thrift store hunts.
Some of my other thrifted finds are :
50 cent embellished vintage books
yellow wreath turned Sparkling Christmas
AND, one of the best finds so far… the Thrifted $30 Stereo.
Okay, stay with me here. This may NOT be your taste. But, do you see the vision of what it COULD be?
It could be a perfect storage space, a console under a flat screen TV, a dresser, or just a piece to add texture and style to your living space.
Look at the front and all the details. Can you say, “LOVE!?”
We need a needle for the turntable and I think it needs a little electrical work on it, too. BUT, it is easy peasy.
BUT, the radio works amazing!
A close up of the detail on the front. I am thinking sageish green with goldish accents.
The fabric over the speakers has me a little perplexed. To replace the fabric, I will have to take the speakers out. Hmmm…I REALLY don’t want to do that.
SO, I MAY just paint the fabric as well. What do YOU think?
How’s that for a Thrifted $30 Stereo?
I mean, really, how amazing is this piece??? I can transform it inso a beautiful focal point for our living room space with just a little TLC. I am excited to get working on it and show you what I come up with.
Thanks for visiting today.
Make it a lovely day!
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Looking forward to see what you do with the stereo cabinet, it looks like an exciting find. If you paint the fabric will the speakers still work?