Some of you might think this is a gardening post today. In a way, it is. For me it is an analogy of how we see or view life. Water Your Flowers, Not Your Weeds can be interpreted many ways.
Let me give some thoughts from my perspective.
To start from the beginning, visit here.
It was back last Fall. I shared my story with you. The bottom line is that seizures had become a part of my everyday life, more frequently than it had in years. I was not doing well. Not with life, physical activity, or home life. I was stagnant. I could not go shopping, to visit family or clean my home without fear of having a seizure.
I had a 24 hour EEG last Fall, which came back normal. That might sound great, but for me, that meant there was nothing in my brain showing why I have seizures. I was crossing my fingers and praying that it would be THE answer. I would KNOW what was wrong and could move ahead in my life. The neurologist was baffled. He has NEVER seen an EEG without blemish. He apologized over and over. Telling me did not know what to do with me. He had done all he could with his experience and education.
BUT, he did know of an Epileptic specialist who COULD. I felt peace, I felt calm, I felt hope.
I started visiting the specialist within a week. He was fascinated by my story and my seizures. He is the only Epileptic specialist in Nevada. To make a long story short: He runs a 5 day hospital stay study. It really is quite remarkable what he can do during this test.
My test was scheduled and set up for January 3rd. I filled out all the paperwork, called to pre-register with the hospital. I was ready. I was nervous, but excited and still hopeful.
Then, we had insurance hang ups. Bottom line, they wouldn’t pay. Or help with costs. Without getting into too many details, that is the story.
Needless to say, I was devastated. My heart was broken. My heart was grieving. The hope of answers that I wanted was now gone. I cried. A LOT.
That was for about an hour. Then I realized-God is in control. I needed to start watering my flowers and not my weeds. Water Your Flowers, Not Your Weeds became my new motto, mantra and outlook.
My doctor was just as disappointed as I was. He signed me up with epilepsy support groups, started me on a new medication and gave me more hope that he would help me.
I have been seeing him ever since. I have had a few set backs, but nothing to complain about. As of today, I been seizure free for 9 weeks. That is a HUGE miracle for me. I am still full of hope and have to constantly remember to Water Your Flowers, Not Your Weeds.
I have so much to be thankful for. Your prayers, good thoughts and positive vibes have gotten me through what could be a tough time.
As a thank you, I have made a FREE Printable just for you. Right click on the quote and click on print. BE SURE to click on color to print the beautiful blue and green colors.
Thanks for listening to me today. I so appreciate it. And again, take advantage of the free printable. I would love to hear about where you have it hanging in your home.
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